Create an account, verify your business, and own your data.

Create your account to start the USA Made verification process. It takes less than 5 minutes.

Verify your manufacturing processes.

Easy self verification for your manufacturing processes. Unique data is sent to blockchain, and non-sensitive data is shown on your verified profile. It's a digital representation with unique properties resistant to any attempt at tampering.

All details are public, immutable and stored on blockchain.

Non-sensitive details are public and visible on your verified profile. We keep every change in verification on blockchain to maintain transparency between you and your customers.


Our community verifies information you provided.

After self-verification, you can request community verification to get to the next level!


Your public profile shows the data from blockchain.

By offering the end consumer a meaningful way to track origin data strengthen the trust and improve transparency.

USA Made Verified


The verification badge is yours and it links to your verified profile.

Verification badge in form of a QR code will lead your customers to your verified profile that has all the information they need as proof that the product is USA Made.


You can add products and connect them to your verified process.

Instead of verifying every product, add a product to the manufacturing process that you already verified.

Use Cases

Strong Blockchain | USA Made verification

A way to verify your manufacturing process as USA Made and make it public and immutable using our proprietary verification process. Once you prove that you're USA Made, blockchain is there to keep it bulletproof.

Strong Blockchain | USA Made verification

Verification Profile

Verification badge is yours to take. Gain trust with your customers by showcasing your verification profile - you own the data, you're proving that you're USA Made, let the world know.

Strong Blockchain | USA Made verification

Curated Marketplace

Curated marketplace where B2B meets B2C. Whether it's wholesale or retail, once you're verified, you get featured in both.

Strong Blockchain | USA Made verification

Strong Community

Verified USA Made sellers get to tap into the community that's passionate about #verifythenbuy. Leverage the connection through social, blogs and Strong TV.







Prevention and accountability - helping companies to stay on top of it

The industry

First steps already made